Thursday, April 7, 2011

Audubon Society Contest Results

Congratulations to Ashley, Eric, Ava, Erin, Victoria, Crystal and Alice for their awards at the Audubon Art Contest. The award ceremony was held last Saturday at 2pm. Ashley was able to attend and accept her award in person.

Amy and Ashley

Ava, Best of Show k-3

Alice, Excellence Award

Ashley, Merit Award

Crystal, Merit Award

Eric, Certificate of Appreciation

Erin, Excellence Award

Victoria, Merit Award

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Audubon Society Contest

Students have the option of participating in the Audubon Society Contest. Information is under the contest page.
I am excited to see how their birds turn out!

Winter Session Watercolors

This session is already going fast! We have been busy working on watercolors. The students learned different techniques: wet on wet, salt, blotting, and dry brush. They applied the techniques to their watercolor animals and flowers.
Enjoy the art!