Thursday, April 7, 2011

Audubon Society Contest Results

Congratulations to Ashley, Eric, Ava, Erin, Victoria, Crystal and Alice for their awards at the Audubon Art Contest. The award ceremony was held last Saturday at 2pm. Ashley was able to attend and accept her award in person.

Amy and Ashley

Ava, Best of Show k-3

Alice, Excellence Award

Ashley, Merit Award

Crystal, Merit Award

Eric, Certificate of Appreciation

Erin, Excellence Award

Victoria, Merit Award

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Audubon Society Contest

Students have the option of participating in the Audubon Society Contest. Information is under the contest page.
I am excited to see how their birds turn out!

Winter Session Watercolors

This session is already going fast! We have been busy working on watercolors. The students learned different techniques: wet on wet, salt, blotting, and dry brush. They applied the techniques to their watercolor animals and flowers.
Enjoy the art!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Next Session

The next 10 week session is beginning in January. The dates are January 11- March 23. No classes will be held the week of February 8th.

Tuesday class: 5:30-6:30pm
Wednesday class: 5:30-6:30pm

See you in January!


Holiday Ornaments

We had our annual holiday party early this year. We were still in the spirit to make wonderful painted ornaments and listen to holiday tunes!

Grid Portraits

What a wonderful job my students did on their grid portraits! I am so proud of them!

Bennett is only in 2nd grade! What a fabulous job!

Fifth grader, Ashley, did a great job on her first self-portrait

Kelly drew a baby photo in honor of her little brother

Seventh grader, Hannah, did a great job capturing the likeness of herself!

Victoria remembered her younger days when drawing this baby self-portrait

Add caption

Nolan, fifth grade, did a great job following the grid and shading

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Grid Portraits

This week and next week the art students are learning how to draw by using a grid. A grid is a system of squares that helps the artists zoom in and focus on one area at a time. They were asked to bring in a childhood photo to recreate as a drawing. We will shade them in pencil. I think they will turn out great! Check back for photos in a few weeks!